Being busy and dieting- how the what?

One of the biggest hurdles people face when they diet or start exercising, or basically make any life change is how to balance that with the competing interests of… I don’t know… work, family, social life, etc. Personally, I not only work full time, I also am a part time student finishing my MBA and I’m also a single parent. Luckily, the kiddo is basically old enough to get himself around town without much interference needed, but I also have to consider that.

What I’ve found is that you make the time. I don’t watch as much TV or movies or read Facebook as much, because I feel like blogging is important. I trade off nights out for long walks or yoga. Is it hard to make these changes? YES! Does it happen all in one day? NO. Do I and others like me fall off the wagon from time to time? Certainly.

Take last night for example. I wanted a Dr. Pepper. Usually I don’t even drink pop, and I am allowed 2 diet sodas a day on my plan. But I didn’t want DIET Dr. Pepper. I wanted regular Dr. Pepper. So as I kept ruminating about it all day, I finally made a deal with myself. “Drink the dang pop… but only drink 8 ounces.” And sure enough, that did it. It satiated me and kept me from going overboard. And I think we all have those moments. Even my most physically fit and healthy of friends have a beer once in a while, or have that elusive piece of chocolate cake. That is what makes us humans. We have needs.

So what will I do next time? Well, aside from hope there isn’t a next time, I ate really clean today as usual and drank some extra water. I’m going to bed early and starting over fresh in the morning. I do have to weigh in at some point tomorrow, after all. And, my friends, the scale doesn’t lie.

Yours in good health, Meg 🙂

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